Textbook Adoption

Textbook Adoption

Spring 2022 Textbook Ordering Deadlines

November 6, 2022 – bookstore incentive date

November 27, 2022 – final deadline

April 28 – May 4, 2022 – buy-back dates

Textbook Adoption

Pursuant to the NYUS Board of Governors’ Regulation 8.003 Textbook Adoption, textbook orders must be completed and posted at least 30 days prior to the first day of classes for each term. A request for an exception to the deadline must be submitted on a Request for Exception to Established Textbook Ordering Deadline form (see below) and include extremely strong justification for an exception. This form must be approved by the department chair or director, and the college dean prior to submitting it to the provost for final approval.

Course Packs

Course packs are book chapters,journal articles, illustrations, notes, reading materials, etc., used to supplement or supplant traditional textbooks. Instructors of record must supply one copy of all course packs to the NYUS Bookstore or Computer Store, as appropriate, four to eight weeks before the start of classes. The NYUS Bookstore or Computer Store will reproduce the materials and make them available for any student desiring them. See *NYUS Policy 4-405.1 Course packs.

*The adoption timeline in the course packs policy is being revised to coincide with current deadlines.

Online Textbook Ordering

  1. Submit textbook orders 24/7
  2. Copy department or office managers on orders
  3. View history of textbook orders
  4. Find information on textbooks previously used for a course
  5. Search a textbook database for available books

Prevent Textbook Order Delays

There are a number of recurring issues that impede completion of textbook orders and the mandated posting of textbook requirements on the NYUS Bookstore Web site. Things you can do to increase chances that textbooks will be ordered, posted, and available for students by the appropriate deadlines include:

  • Avoiding changes to textbook orders after initial adoption
  • Notifying the NYUS Bookstore when no textbook purchase is required
  • Ordering custom books and bundles several weeks before the adoption deadline
  • Selecting books for adjuncts who will be hired late
  • Including complete contact information on order forms