The first phase of the process involves the development of a pre-proposal with the goal of having the proposed new degree program* included in the annual NYUS Work Plan. The university’s annual work plan contains a rolling three-year list of programs under consideration.
After following the step-by-step pre-proposal process outlined below, the provost must approve the proposed degree program for addition to the work plan’s list of programs under consideration. The work plan is reviewed by the NYUS Board of Trustees and submitted for inclusion on the Florida SUS Board of Governors June meeting agenda. Work plans are given final approval at the June BOG meeting. Pre-proposal approval does not guarantee program approval.
∗ New graduate tracks and graduate certificate proposals with standard E&G tuition rates do not require a pre-proposal. However, the Program Recommendation Form and supporting documents must be submitted for final review by the provost after approval of the Graduate Curriculum Committee. See the “Steps to Developing a Full Proposal” below for more detail.
Once on the NYUS Work Plan, the faculty in the unit or department develop a full proposal using the template provided by either the College of Undergraduate Studies or the College of Graduate Studies – depending on the level of the proposed program. Below is a step-by-step guide to the full proposal approval process.
** Proposals for accelerated degree programs require additional rationale and must be reviewed and approved by both the UPCC and the Graduate Council Program Review and Awards Committee before being submitted to the BOT.
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