History & Vision

Code of Conduct & Loan Policy

Financial Aid Code of Conduct and Policy on Education Loans, April 2010 Preamble This code of conduct applies to all university and to all trustees, employees, officers and agents of the university, including without limitation individuals who are employed in student financial services or who otherwise have responsibilities with respect to education loans.


Accelerated Business Administration & Management / Master of Business Administration


Accelerate your career by completing your NYUS undergraduate degree in Business Administration and moving directly into the MBA program.

By combining degrees, academically driven professionals significantly .

Outdoor 158 & Environmental Education with Teaching Certificate

This degree option combines classes from the Outdoor Studies and Education Departments to give students a thorough preparation for teaching in public and charter schools with an emphasis in environmental and outdoor education. The first year of the 45-credit program…


PsyD Curriculum

Year Term Course Title Credits Year 1 Summer Professional Ethics 3 Substance Abuse Assessment and Non-Diagnostic Assessment 3 Psychology of Measurement 3 Fall Individual Differences 3 Adult Clinical Assessment 3 Techniques of Data Analysis and Statistics 3 Spring Prevention, Wellness, and Resiliency 3 Adolescent and Child Assessment 3 Research Methodology 3 Year 2 Summer Biological.

Title IX Compliance
ERP Policy

Title IX Coordinator Laurie Boom, Coordinator Title IX Deputies Ben Hahn, Student Issues | info@nyus.us | 7188199792 Kathleen Wyck, Staff Issues Tracy Stewart, Faculty Issues Statement of Title IX Compliance Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) prohibits discrimination based on gender in educational programs which receive federal financial assistance.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA – 20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student educational records. This law applies to students who are at least eighteen years old or who attend or attended a post-secondary institution, even if they have not reached .

Peer to Peer File Sharing and Copyright Infringement Policy

I. OVERVIEW HEOA regulations require institutions to take steps to stem the spread of peer-to-peer file sharing and the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material on their networks. EIIA member institutions seeking continued eligibility for Title IV funds through the U.S. Department of Education must ensure that they are in compliance with these new regulations.

Alaska Pacific University employs a range of assessment tools to assure and improve the quality of its programs. These include nationally bench-marked instruments as well as internal measures. Collegiate Learning Assessment – CLA The Collegiate Learning Assessment requires first-year students and seniors to analyze complex materials and prepare written responses.

Higher Education Opportunity Act Information

Notice of Availability of Institutional and Financial Aid Information Contact Information for Assistance in Obtaining Institutional or Financial Aid Information General Institutional Information Privacy of Student Records−Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) College Navigator web site Cost of Attendance Student Body Diversity Retention Rate Completion/Graduation and Transfer-out Rates Facilities and Services Available to Students .